So many seniors this year aren’t happy. Who can blame them? Many, if not, most schools are conducting virtual graduations due to the Corona virus pandemic. Each senior separately, will get to walk across an empty stage to collect their diploma. All of this will be captured on video for their memory keepsakes. Some schools are having graduation drive by’s. My little guy, who isn’t so little anymore, is in 5th grade. He graduates on June 11th from elementary school. He’s moving onto middle school in September. This is certainly not the way he and our family envisioned his last year in elementary school. There were so many fun graduation activities and a big end of year party planned that never came to fruition. His graduation is taking place outside of his school. Each family of the student gets an assigned number which has to be placed outside of their cars to identify them. The families then drive by to the front entrance of the school, while they remain in their cars, then pop open the trunks to receive their diplomas and gifts from their teachers. Despite the disappointment of the kids not ending the school year the way they anticipated, there is so much to be thankful for. First, thankful how their teachers were able to put an online curriculum together for them so quickly. God bless them! God bless the kids too, who’ve had to drastically transition to online learning and being apart from their friends in school. They’ve been working so hard and doing their best. Not to mention, having to work through their Spring break. These kids will also have a big story to tell one day. They will come out stronger and more resilient than ever. There have been many lessons learned during this pandemic and school shut down for everyone; teachers, students and parents. I believe it taught my children to keep it going, do their best and always remain grateful, no matter what. I’d like to believe that our world will be a lot more kinder after this too. No matter what, graduates and their families should be so proud of their many accomplishments. Congratulations Class of 2020!
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